To generate a new password, please provide the email address with which you have registered to our portal before.

After clicking the “Send” button, we will send the information about generating a new password to the specified email address.
Please check your inbox! We have sent the information necessary for generating a new password to the specified email address.
An error has occured. There is no user in the system with the specified e-mail address.
Please provide the email address with which you have registered to our portal before.
Two-factor reset email successfully sent.
Failed to send the reset email.

Transaction data -

Equities Section Trading (HUF) Trading (EUR) average (HUF)
Debt securities Section Trading (HUF) Trading (EUR) average (HUF)
Derivatives Section Trading (contract) average (contract)
Commodities Section Trading (contract) average (contract)
Xtend Market Trading (HUF) Trading (EUR) average (HUF)
BETa Market Trading (HUF) Trading (EUR) average (HUF)
Xbond Market Trading (HUF) Trading (EUR) average (HUF)