To generate a new password, please provide the email address with which you have registered to our portal before.

After clicking the “Send” button, we will send the information about generating a new password to the specified email address.
Please check your inbox! We have sent the information necessary for generating a new password to the specified email address.
An error has occured. There is no user in the system with the specified e-mail address.
Please provide the email address with which you have registered to our portal before.
Two-factor reset email successfully sent.
Failed to send the reset email.
Data download
You can set the time based resolution here. You can add a starting and an ending or just one given value.

If you are choosing a month to month or year to year range, you will get data from the first day of the starting period to the last day of the ending period. (For example, if you choose 2015 January and 2016 March, then the range starts from the first day of 2015 January and ends on the last day of 2016 March.)

Please note that choosing a monthly or yearly range means that the downloaded data will be cumulated.
Time range resolution:
You can download the data for the given day with this setting.
One day:
You can download the data for the time range starting with first date and ending with second date, here.
From day to day:
You can download the data for the given month with this setting. The data will be cumulated for the month.
One month:
You can download the data for the time range from the first day of the starting month to the last day of the ending month. The data will be cumulated for each month.
From month to month:
You can download the data for the given year with this setting. The data will be cumulated for the year.
One year:
You can download the data for time range from the first day of the starting year to the last day of the ending year. The data will be cumulated for each year.
From year to year:
You can set the file format here. In case of comma separated, text and Excel, when you click on "Dowload" button the file will be immediately downloaded. In case of graph the chosen graphs(s) will be displayed in a new display, where you can download them as images.
Data format:
You can set the data type here. This controls what data will be included into the downloaded file. Please note that depending on your settings there can be noticeable differences. For example, market instruments have different data available than indices.
Data type:




Selected instruments:
Please choose from the categories and instruments.
You can choose from several categories, up to 10 items.
If you dont choose an instrument, then all elements of the currently selected category will be downloaded.
Primary Market



Selected instruments:
Please choose from the categories and instruments.
You can choose from several categories, up to 10 items.
If you dont choose an instrument, then all elements of the currently selected category will be downloaded.
Derivative Market



Selected instruments:
Please choose from the categories and instruments.
You can choose from several categories, up to 10 items.
If you dont choose an instrument, then all elements of the currently selected category will be downloaded.
Commodities Market



Selected instruments:
Please choose from the categories and instruments.
You can choose from several categories, up to 10 items.
If you dont choose an instrument, then all elements of the currently selected category will be downloaded.
BETA Market



Selected instruments:
Please choose from the categories and instruments.
You can choose from several categories, up to 10 items.
If you dont choose an instrument, then all elements of the currently selected category will be downloaded.
Section volume data
You can set the time based resolution here. You can add a starting and an ending or just one given value.

If you are choosing a month to month or year to year range, you will get data from the first day of the starting period to the last day of the ending period. (For example, if you choose 2015 January and 2016 March, then the range starts from the first day of 2015 January and ends on the last day of 2016 March.)

Please note that choosing a monthly or yearly range means that the downloaded data will be cumulated.
Time range resolution:
You can download the data for the given day with this setting.
One day:
You can download the data for the time range starting with first date and ending with second date, here.
From day to day:
You can download the data for the given month with this setting. The data will be cumulated for the month.
One month:
You can download the data for the time range from the first day of the starting month to the last day of the ending month. The data will be cumulated for each month.
From month to month:
You can download the data for the given year with this setting. The data will be cumulated for the year.
One year:
You can download the data for time range from the first day of the starting year to the last day of the ending year. The data will be cumulated for each year.
From year to year:
Downloadable miscellaneous statistics
You may get a detailed view of the following statistics by clicking on the select button.

Forgalmi statisztika az Azonnali és Derivatív piac vonatkozásában

Havi összefoglaló statisztikai összefoglaló: indexek, részvényes azonnali piac, származékos, áruszekció, BÉTA piac, grafikonok

Árjegyzői teljesítés a BÉTA és BÉT certifikát piacán havi bontásban

Tőzsdei forgalom befektetői csoportonként

A befektetői statisztikában található adatok segítségével hónapról hónapra nyomon lehet követni a tőzsdei forgalom összetételében bekövetkező változásokat, az értékpapírszámlák számának alakulása jelzi az teljes ügyfélállomány változásait. A statisztikából kiderül továbbá, hogy az egyes befektetői csoportban mennyire jellemző az elektronikus csatornák használata tőzsdei kötések alkalmával.

Tovább a cikkre...
Budapesti Likviditási Mérték

A Budapesti Értéktőzsde 2005-ben nemzetközileg elismert módszertanra építve dolgozta ki a Budapesti Likviditási Mértéket, amely az egyes tőzsdei termékek piaci likviditását számszerűsíti különböző dimenziók mentén.

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Gabona átlagárakkal kapcsolatos tárgyévi és historikus adatok